Monday, March 23, 2009

Shanghai Car Show in April

OK here's the news I have on the Shanghai GM event in April for which Wentworth will be returning to China: The event is called "Auto Shanghai 2009 - The 13th International Automobile & Manufacturing Technology Exhibition" & will be at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). The exhibition will be April 20-28 but the press days are April 20 & 21. This is probably when Wentworth will be there! This event happens every two years, the first being held in 1985.

That's about all that's relevant to what we're interested in! I've contacted someone about more information & hopefully we'll hear back soon! As soon as I know, I'll let you know!


Anonymous said...

URGH!!! i will only be in china on 29th!!! I MISS HIM AGAIN!!!! NOT FAIR!!!

Yingee said...

O.... No.... I will be in Beijing 10 to 17 April and back to Hong kong on 18 April... can't go to Shanghai to see Went... I wanna cry...

Anonymous said...

Yingee - We keep missing WENT!! URGH!!! i will be in HK from 27th. We're going to Disneyland with my nephews :)

Laila said...

Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that you guys will miss him =( We'll all have our chance. In the meantime, we'll keep up with news & pics!