Thursday, March 19, 2009

*UPDATED* And now for some news...

I had a ton of articles to go through & while they all basically say the same things, here are some key points that I pulled from all of them combined (Yingee, HELP!! LOL) *ETA: Thanks to Yingee replying to my cry for help, I made a few changes to what I posted! See the corrections in red - more corrections to come.*:

First article
Reporters were told that Wentworth was chosen because of of his work on Prison Break & even with the ratings on a decline, he is highly sought after in Asia, appealing to younger people. A German film director was in charge of the 50 second commercial which will show Wentworth in some sort of high speed chase with people after him. It mentions the bright red car was chosen to show his strength. Says something about Black people but I didn't quite get that part lol!

It goes on to talk about him giving a massage (??) - yeah, not sure about that part but it says he did an impressive job! Then it mentions his food choices: dumplings, sports drinks, coffee, sweets & some pink powder stuff that no one had the guts to ask what it was LOL! I sure would have: "Umm, Wentworth, honey, what the hell is that pink stuff?" LOL!

Next I read that he'll be in China again next month - we already know that. Then he's asked about driving in Prison Break (not sure but I think the text here was about stunt drivers)... Went answers that Prison Break has a lot of dangerous stunts & he's grateful to the stunt guys & for special effects. He's a careful driver because of Prison Break - I think :D He goes on talking about his love of traveling & he's thankful to be able to try to do that now that PB is over. He's happy to be able to direct his attention to other roles & projects. He mentions that he's a workaholic & talks about the girl with his thesis & how much it means to him when fans react to him on that level - ahh, he's a sweetheart! He's then asked about being in an "espionage" film - I'm guessing that's the "East Wind Rain" (or whatever it is) movie. He says that he will not be doing that film but would like to work with the director Zhang Yimou.

Second article
This one starts off bad saying he arrived to begin shooting the commercial at Shanghai Jiading Automobile City "slightly fat". My GOD *angry* He's NOT fat & is clearly smaller than he was in October *grrr*! Anyway, the rest is basically the same as the first or the other long one I posted yesterday.

Third article
Wentworth shot a special section of the commercial or even perhaps a separate commercial - unclear - on the outskirts of Anting Auto City. It furthers goes on talking about how after he received the invite to represent the Chevy Cruze, it didn't take he & GM very long to reach an agreement. The it mentions him being witty & intelligent & a "global idol". Because of this, it makes him perfect to represent the Shanghai GM & this car. Nice!

This one again mentions his food choices: fruity drinks, candy, Starbucks frapp (of course) sprinkled with "chocolate & pink sequins" LOL! So now we know what the "pink powder stuff" was! The thesis girl is mentioned again... Again mentions his upcoming work in a movie & stage play & the fact that he would like to work with Zhang Yimou. Then the massage is mentioned again LOL, but I think it refers to him wanting one in his spare time which is rare because he's a workaholic and when he has a script, he devotes his time to that role.

That's basically it b/c the rest of the articles all said the same things over & over... no need repeating =)

1 comment:

SoHo said...

Pink powder? the only thing i can think of that is pink powder are those yummy pixy sticks. ha ha ha ha that's cute. LOL