The final string of episodes will kick off April 17, but exactly how many episodes there will be is an open question. "We've got our remaining batch of four episodes and then there are a couple more we're contemplating," says network prez Kevin Reilly, adding that the four-year old Prison has simply run its course. "The show is played out."
Do you agree? Will you miss it? Looking for more scoop from Fox's exec session? Check out the Hollywood Insider blog a little later for Lynette Rice's complete report.
Oh what is a boring work day without surfing blogs and such! So sad and infintely jealous that you met him..sigh. sobe
Is that official?
I already feel that this season 4 would be the last. Wentworth had announced many time that he would like to do something else.
Although I think they do well to stop at this season 4! I must confess that this news makes me sad, Prison Break is and will remain for me the best show of the century!
I want to cry.
PS: I hope that the last episode will be hard and spectacular! I hope that Michael die!I want a memorable ending because that's what Prison Break deserves!
The season is not yet completed that I miss them already, how does it will be for the last episode?
My God I want to cry!!!!
Well this just sucks to hell =( SoHo sent me a text saying she saw this & I was hoping she was wrong BUT much to my dismay, FOX has gone & flipped its wig!
I understand that these people can't keep breaking outta prison for 10 years, but that's not my fault... they shoulda' named it something else from the beginning!
As for the spit about their being 4 remaining episodes: what the hell happened to there being 6! The season had a full 22 episodes plus possibly an additional 2 hours, so now why all of a sudden, there's only 4... this is some major BS...
So FOX, here's the deal - I'm not watching anything else if you guys have limited us to only 4 more episodes when you promised AT LEAST 6. We only got 13 episodes last season for God's sake & you wanna take some away this time... SO NOT COOL, DUDES! All I can say is, if this is official, I'm done... except for Jack Bauer & 24 LOL! I HAVE to watch that!
Ok - I'm done fussing... for now!
Well, I guess that's it then. I hate to see the show go, but I'm very interested in what's up next for the cast, Nolasco, Purcell, Miller, Knepper, all of them. Knepper has really been working his potutti off during this last season. He's done like 3 movies, hasn't he? That's a lot! I wish all the cast the best. I cannot wait to see what Wentworth does next! I'm going to miss the show dearly. IMO, it's been the best thing on TV for the last 4 years!! But I knew this would be the end. Darn!! Sometimes, I hate being right! :o(
I am very very upset :( Dunno how i will get through work today! URGH!!
Initially it was the storyline that drew me to Prison Break and as season one went on, I began to enjoy the acting by a great ensemble, and of course Wentworth.(Droool...)
My favourite on show is actually T-Bag! (I know I know!)
I find season 4 compelling and I'm sure writers/producers will work their magic to give the show a proper send off!
I will miss seeing the cast (*cough* Wentworth) on my TV/internet but hey, I'm hopeful and confident that it won't be long before we see him be involved in other projects, may it be big or small, tv or movie!
Percy x
Son of a monkey's flippin' uncle!
I actually blasted this news off to my best friend at work today and, apparently, cause quite a kerfuffle amongst her boy co-workers who are big fans!
I'm actually quite intrigued by this season's storyline!! Such a shame, but I understand that they want to go out on a high.
Good to hear from you, Simpliciy! Hope you had a good visit!
Don't you just love how they kill the show now =( The storyline is amazing... It is by far one of the best shows on TV! I understand that a show called "Prison Break" can't run forever but again, but I still say that they should've named it something else LOL! They better murder a few more shows, starting with Sarah Connor Chronicles b/c that shows is the flippin monkey's uncle LOL (I love that, as you can tell)!
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