Saturday, January 3, 2009

More new Went pics

Ok so as promised, here are the last of the photos of Wentworth that I found. I forget where Amber says they are from - Esquire (I think) & somewhere else! I remember the cover from awhile back but I've never seen the rest of them!

BTW, one of our readers, turned cool as heck friend, sent me & SoHo a very awesome Christmas gift! Remember the Prestige magazine from a couple of months ago? Well, Zie, with her wonderful & beautiful self, was kind enough to put us out of my misery and bless us both with our very own copy! If that was not the sweetest thing! I love to keep things in as pristine condition as possible so I haven't taken it out of the plastic =) I've been really tempted to lately, but Wentworth deserves to stay in that plastic and look beautiful! Anyway, enjoy these great pics!

Info credit: Amber7 &


Anonymous said...

LOL!! Girl do you want my copy of the magazine? Why are you not opening it! LOL!!

SOHO-Tell her what she's missing in the mag! :)

Anyway glad you and Soho like the gift :)

Sweet-n-Stuff said...

Guys, can you use something other than Share-a-pic? The last 3-5 groups of pics you've posted, I've had to find someplace else to view them. Lately, Share-a-pic has been kicking me out. I like to see close-ups of my man if possible. The thumbnails just aren't enough. To me, they're like foreplay without the finish. I don't need that kind of frustration! :o)

Laila said...

Hey honey thanks for letting me know that... I'd noticed that when I go to the site sometimes, there's a problem & I can't even upload pics so I guess there are more problems than I knew about. I'll try to find another host or I'll just go back to using Blogger/Picasa & post smaller "clickable" pics. Good looking out, mamita =)
