Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Familiar Faces coming up!

Prison Break won't return with its final stretch of eps till April, but when the crew does come back, you can expect to see a few old friends. Co-executive producer Zack Estrin and show runner Matt Olmstead recently whispered that familiar faces from the past will reappear. In the end, their goal is to tie everything together, creating the feel of one cohesive story instead of four individual seasons. Anyone in particular you'd like to see pop up?

Don't forget to check out our new 24 blog!


Anonymous said...

Hi girls,

That's a great news! ;D

For me it's Kellerman,Pope or C-Note!(I want them all on the last episode!)

Laila said...

I agree, Hana! I'd love to see Kellerman again! I also hope C-Note is one of them because I'd like to know what he & his lovely family are up to!

Anonymous said...

Interesting information... :)
I'd love to see Kellerman again, too! And for me, it should also be Papi Sugar. I'm still sad, he left... So come back, Sucre!!!

Laila said...

OMG how could I have forgotten about Sugar that quickly! I knew there was someone else I wanted to see, lovely, but couldn't think of who it was! Forgive my absentmindedness =) I love me some "sugar"!

Thanks for writing!

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Sucre, Pope & Kellerman! That would be so awesome :) Oh Abruzzi too!