This week I'd like to introduce you to a special place. Yeah, that's right, my little "lingo" lesson actually refers to my happy place! It's called...
"Wenter Wonderland"
Wenter Wonderland is a great place to chill & relax.
I'm usually there with a Grande sized vanilla bean or mocha frappuccino and a good DVD - probably Prison Break (as if you didn't know that). I might even be there with my laptop containing some Went related material! I don't read a lot but Wenter Wonderland is wentastic place to read whenever I'm in the mood!
Although, this is my special, happy place that is exclusively for me & the love of my life, I'm willing to share this wenterrific place!
There are stipulations & I am only willing to share if these strict conditions are met:
1. Went will NEVER be there if I'm not!
2. If Went shows up while you're there, you HAVE TO LEAVE - do NOT make eye contact or utter a sound!
3. If I show up, you can stay until Went shows up!
4. You can NOT be there on any given Monday from August to May between 7pm & 10pm CST!
5. Last but not least, what goes on in Wenter Wonderland, stays in Wenter Wonderland!
Any voilation of the above conditions will result in something extremely illegal happening to you! Have fun!!!!!!!!!!
Photo credit:, Crafty Curate, JeanetteB, Sweet Nostalgia,
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