Sunday, August 31, 2008

IGN TV interviews the cast of Prison Break

IGN TV recently interviewed a few of the gang from Prison Break! Here's what everyone had to say!

IGN TV: Your show really changes up every season, which I imagine is nice as an actor.
Wentworth Miller: Yeah, I think that's one of our strengths. It's one of the things we're noted for, is that we're not afraid to take what we know works and throw it out and start from scratch every season. And the fourth season's really no different, in that it's not really about breaking out anymore, it's about breaking in. IGN: The dynamic between the brothers keeps changing too.Miller: Yeah, it's a really interesting balance between Michael and Lincoln – kind of which one is the older brother and when? I feel like in the first season, even though Michael is the younger brother, he was the one with the plan; he was the one kind of giving orders. And then in the second season, as Michael dealt with the sort of emotional and psychological fallout of that escape and all the lives that were damaged or ruined, so that Lincoln could go free, Lincoln was the one who was literally behind the wheel and being there for his brother.

IGN: The dynamic between the brothers keeps changing too.
Miller: Yeah, it's a really interesting balance between Michael and Lincoln – kind of which one is the older brother and when? I feel like in the first season, even though Michael is the younger brother, he was the one with the plan; he was the one kind of giving orders. And then in the second season, as Michael dealt with the sort of emotional and psychological fallout of that escape and all the lives that were damaged or ruined, so that Lincoln could go free, Lincoln was the one who was literally behind the wheel and being there for his brother.

IGN: Last season ended with your character having some major motivation.
Miller: [Laughs] Yeah, yeah. On this mission to avenge Sara's death! ...Now wait a minute! IGN: [Laughs] Now wait a second…! Can you talk at all about how Season 4 picks up?Miller: The new season picks up a month after the third season left off, so we wrap up a lot of different storylines and loose ends really quickly and then hit the ground running. So Sara comes back – that seems to be everywhere, so it's not a spoiler I guess. And she's back in the first episode, and we have this A-Team assembled – Michael, Lincoln, Sara and a bunch of old friends and foes, and they decide to stay and fight – to take on The Company and the conspiracy, as opposed to running for the rest of our lives. They see that that's no longer a viable option. So in a way they go to work for the government, to take on this [threat].

IGN: Jodi's character was the target you were after, but it turns out she didn't do what you thought she did. How does he perceive her now?
Miller: That's an interesting shift. I think at this point, with Agent Kellerman and Gretchen, they've all been kind of deadly and menacing in their own right, but they've been puppets. Someone else has been pulling the strings all along. I think this is the season where Michael and Lincoln decide it's time to go after the puppet master.


Info Credit: IGN TV

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