Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dead man walking??? The Brothers back in prison

Looks like Bellick will be coming back along with Kellerman and Sucre in Prison Break's 22nd episode of it's 4th and final season. It also seems like the boys are back in PRISON!!! Could the writers have taken Wentworth's idea of rewinding back to the beginning? No offense to Michael lovers but I wanted PB to end with Michael dead since the second season. I posted on many sites and was crapped on because of that. Now, Went wants the same thing but nobody is trashing him... LOL I feel so attacked LOL! Check out the script!! I don't know why i brought that up but whatever. Here's the script. It's going to be SO GOOD!!!


Anonymous said...

Hmm i can't wait to see the new eps...

agreencitygirl said...

Ok, I have no idea where you find this stuff and no idea how this is going to end! I love a good endind even if I hate that the story has to end!