Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Hi everybody!!! happy election day.. I see SoLo has voted already... GOOD FOR YOU SOLO!!! I AM GLAD YOU VOTED!!!!

Unfortunately I have not had the chance to vote yet... This morning I woke up bright and early to get to the voting place before a huge lined started but to my surprise... a huge line was already there. My sister was going to be late for work so we didn't even bother to stop the car; we just drove past it. As we drove off, we agreed to vote after work so we were on our way to work. While driving, I noticed my car started to feel differently to me (you guys know what I am talking about right?? It's like you know your car better than anybody else... you can feel when something is wrong with it) Anyway. My car felt kinda bumpy and like something was slapping the side of it. I pulled over as a quiet recreational park and rolled down my windows. It was dead quiet at that park so it was really easy to hear what was wrong with my car. At first I thought It might be something in the hood of my car but nope. My car stayed on park with the emergency break on and my sister lifted the hood up to hear if anything sounded different.. I pressed the gas and let the motor run and all was normal... then I had my sister stand outside the car as I drove it in circles so she could listen and also be able to see what might be wrong with it. It sounded like a helicopter!!!! I was so sad. before I could even finish driving half of a circle, My sister asked me to stop. She could see the back tire on the passenger side bounce up and down as I drove. We concluded that the tire was lose and didnt want to risk driving anymore for fear of it falling off. Unfortunately that would mean we both would be late for work so we decided to risk it and one of us would get the car fixed while the other goes to work... GUESS WHO WAS STUCK WITH THE CAR???? YUP!!!! ME!!! I called my dad and asked him what I should do. He said he'll take a look at it but my sis kept insisting on not being late to work so I risked it and took her. Anyway my poor prius sounded so beat up on the way to my sister's job and on the way back home. Now I am at home waiting for my dad to get here so he can fix my tire. haha ha ha ha OH MY PRIUS ROYALE!!! WHY???!!! WHY???!!! Why must you do this to me?!!! after all we've been through together!!! ha ha ha ha ha JK anyway I am going to be SERIOUSLY LATE for work but whatever... My royale comes first!! ha ha ha by the way, I named my car "ROYALE" you know instead of "CASINO ROYALE" its the "PRIUS ROYALE" ok ok .. I'll stop ha ha ha Anyway so now I have the election day blues because I cant vote right now because my car is not very safe to drive right now. I didnt want to take it back to the dealer to get it fixed there because they take forever and so does tripple A (AAA).
I never reveal who I am going to vote for but this time, ONLY SOLO KNOWS LOL!!! did I vote McCain?? Did I vote Obama?? or did I vote a third party??? the world may never know!!! ha ha ha ha anyway thanx for listening. I hope my day gets better because it's been bad so far.
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