Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We the People

SoHo & I have been up this morning discussing President-elect Obama's victory. I also talked to another friend about it as well. I realized one thing: this is not a victory for African Americans; it is a victory for our world, for all races and for all people!
I am Black & I voted for Barack Obama, BUT I did NOT vote for him because he is Black. I voted for him because he inspires me with his level of integrity, articulation and intelligence. I voted for him because he knows what I struggle with daily, not as a person of color, but as an American and that is what won my vote. Had the roles been reversed & McCain had the same platform as Obama, regardless of skin color, race or political affiliation, McCain would have had my vote. Plain and simple, Barack Obama won because people feel that he will represent us well! And from the looks of all the videos below, the world feels this way: Obama is the best man for the job, regardless of his skin color or race! "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union..." While we have made a significant step in American history, we still have a long way to go! We are striving for that "perfect union" and last night proved that we are truly moving in that direction!

Video credit:

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