Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Want to lose belly fat??? Here's how a Japanese doctor does it!!!!

Alright you guys and gals... this next finding of mine is SERIOUSLY interesting.
According to a Japanese doctor, you can lose belly fat simply by repositioning your pelvic bone and straightening it up buy using tennis shoes stuffed with news papers!!!
That's right stuff your shoes with news paper, lay down on the floor and position your shoes under your pelvic bone just like this doctor does... Now I don't speak or understand Japanese but from what I saw in this video I think that's what is going on. Ha ha ha ha ha!!! if anybody understands Japanese and would like to comment or set my "facts" straight I'd appreciate it. Anyway, here is the video. This is super interesting. LOL!!

Please consult your physician before trying any weight loss activity.

Info credit: elezend

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