Saturday, August 1, 2009


Hey everybody!!!!!!!!!! I've noticed the blog has become a bit dull lately because Laila and i aren't posting as often.We've both been incredibly busy and post when we can. So my goal is to post at least one new thing every day or every two days. I am thinking of going back to our original blog posts where we did a fashion section, a food section, a trivia or mind game section, and a hot man of the week section oh and a quote of the week section. Those didnt seem to be so popular so Laila and I decided to remove them after doing a poll on them but since our blog was still a "newborn" back then and we have more of an audience now, I think we'll give it another shot. Anyway I'll start working on that, In the meantime, feel free to brows SoHo Meets SoLo and if you havent checked out our blogs first posts, please do that, It'll show you how we got started. I'd like to take this time to thank each and every single one of you for sticking with our blog and becoming and becoming part of our blog family so THANK YOU!!! Ok well I have to get going to work so I'll be posting as soon as I get back. Have a GREAT DAY!!/NIGHT!!!

1 comment:

ZIE said...

That would be cool!! Different things to do on the blog! Regardless i am always checking in here anyway :) You gals know that this is my happy place :))