Thursday, July 30, 2009

SoHo's Day off!!

My friend Chris from college came back to L.A. so we're hanging out like crazy. Today I was off so we went to kenneth hahn park on La Cienega to hang out and exercise and just relax. We ran up steep hills, jumped on giant rocks, climbed up mountains, i climbed some trees, we fed ducks and competed who could do high knee jumps longer. My freind Chris snapped some pictures of me being victorious after climbing mountains and going through thorny shrubs, weeds,dried tree branches, and lots of lizards and bugs. I stood at what became my victory tree and posed victoriously for the picture LOL!! we raced to his car and I won lol! check out some of the pictures from today! Enjoy!!


Zie said...

Hey girl....u look great!!

Yingee said...

Hi SoHo, you really had a happy day with friend. So good that you can get close to the nature in the free time.

SoHo said...

Thanx Zie!!

Yingee, yeah I am definitely a nature girl. I try to do lots of out door activities on my days off because i am a city girl so on my days off I like to hide out and explore nature. Thanx guys!!