Monday, August 3, 2009

Time to tease your brain!!!

Hey guys!! It's SoHo here!! Has your brain gone on vacation? bring it back! need a little push? ok I have a brain teaser for you. Let's get those brains working. Try this noodle scratcher. Did you get it? Have fun!!!

At the local games evening, four lads were competing in the Scrabble and chess competitions. Liam beat Mark in chess, James came third and the 16 year old won. Liam came second in Scrabble, the 15 year old won, James beat the 18 year old and the 19 year old came third. Kevin is 3 years younger than Mark. The person who came last in chess, came third in Scrabble and only one lad got the same position in both games. Can you determine the ages of the lads and the positions in the two games?

click "read more" for the answer

Name Age Scrabble Chess
James 15 1 3
Kevin 16 4 1
Liam 18 2 2
Mark 19 3 4

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