Sunday, October 26, 2008

Crazy Los Angeles Weather

As I drove to work this morning, I noticed that it was quite foggy outside. The past few weeks have been hot here in L.A. But today was different...This morning the sun was not shining, it was not warming my skin or blinding me as I tried to make my way to work.
NOPE!! not a single sign of sunshine in sight!! Actually the fog was quite thick and I had to let the lane lines guide my way. The strange part of this is 20 minutes later when I am almost at work, the fog suddenly clears. I brought along my camera of course to show all of you what I mean... The rest of the day was nothing but sunshine!! LOL!! By the way, please ignore the music in the background ha ha ha ha ha I ALWAYS need me some music to wake me up in the morning. ENJOY!!! YAY I AM OFF TOMORROW!!!!! YUPPY!!!!

Thick fog...It was actually worse than what it
looks like in this vid.

Crisp clear weather in Beverly Hills

Story and vid credit: SoHo

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