Saturday, September 27, 2008

Google is turning 10!

I didn't realize Google has been around for 10 years! I guess I wasn't using it back then but I use the heck out of it now! I'm one of those people who use "google" as a verb! Thanks, Google, for adding to the English language!

To celebrate this anniversary, Google has launched Project 10 to the 100th, which is "a call for ideas to change the world by helping as many people as possible". I think it's a wonderful idea, so much so that I submitted my "dream" idea! I enjoy helping kids & feel like they are our greatest asset. Without them, we truly have no future!

Anyway, here's Google's You Tube vid explaining the project. You can watch it to find out more or click on the link above!

Info & video credit: Google/Project 10 to the 100th; Photo credit: Google

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