I got me a nice long rest last night. fianlly!!
Zie suggested I have some hot chocolate and you know what? that actually worked!! I think it worked because it warmed me up and I got sleepy and eventually fell asleep!! THANK YOU ZIE!!!!!!!!!!
so I was feeling rested and since it was my day off today i went out to Ikea and bought me a new bed! LOL I'll take pictures and show you all. Let's see what else... Oh yeah for those of you wondering about Laila, I last heard from her last month on her birthday. I'll make an attempt to contact her first thing tomorrow to see how she's doing and will report my findings to you. I know she's fine she's just caught up on some stuff that's going on and apparently some game online that you can create a second life.... IDK what that's all about but ok if that's what she's in to then that's great. LOL!! alright I hope you all are doing absolutely wonderful!! I know I am since I've been taking my medication for anemia. I havent been cold and I have way more energy!! I am feeling GREAT!! I gotta get to bed now but I'll post again tomorrow... maybe then next day cuz I have french class right after work and wont be home till later. but since I dont work thursday I'll stay up and chat with you guys. Ok for now thanx soooooo much for coming. I'll see you all in a bit!
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