Monday, June 15, 2009

Can't wait for Thursday!!

So what's so special about this Thursday? Well two things. My friend is Graduating and I am excited to go. Number two, My boss and I are going boogie boarding!! I dont know how to boogie board but he does and offered to teach me so come thursday morning 5am I am hitting the beach with my boss and getting my boogie on! LOL get it? boogie on... boogie board... Ok that was lame ha ha ha ha ha!! anyway I am way too excited and cant wait. I'll certainly have some pictures and tell you about it after. See you soon and thanx for visitng SoHo Meets SoLo!!! =)


Fuser said...

Good luck with that!!!!
enjoy yourself.
we will wait for the photos !

Zie said...

Have fun!! and glad you're back :)