Monday, April 6, 2009

A Beautiful Day!

It's such a beautiful day out here today. I'll be stuck at work as usual but hopefully I finish early enough to still catch the hot sun and clear sky. I have not been posting anything because of work. I was thinking maybe I should start posting recipe of the week and movie night again but I am not sure because the poll Laila and I did on that, most ppl were here for the Prison Break/Wentworth news so maybe I'll be wasting my time. I dont know, let me know what you want to see on the blog and we'll make it happen.

I'll be back in a few hours so in the meantime, what do you think about bringing back the recipe and movie section back?

Have a good one everybody!!!



Anonymous said...

"what do you think about bringing back the recipe and movie section back?"

Bring it on! I'm especially looking forward to recipes *smacks her thunder thigh*

Zie said...

I would definitely love the return of recipe & movie section!!

Laila said...

How about the fashion section? Although I have hardly any fashion sense, I had fun with that one =)

Yingee said...

I like "recipe, movie and fashion section", these are great for us, just for fun and relax.

agreencitygirl said...

bring it! It would just be nice to see the soho in the soho meets solo!!

I understand the work bit, I haven't had time to post to my own blog..oops! love recipes and movies!
thx. sobe

Hanan said...

Bring us whatever you like!!
I still here ;)