Monday, April 27, 2009

Video transcripts from Went's Third China Trip

Okie so I've been watching these videos off & on since April 22 & have finally finished! WHEW!! Rather than doing the regular Q&A style, I thought it would be cool to just go through them all & either post what he says, if it's a little inaudible or just to comment on what he said - which is always fun for me!

I won't bother with the videos from Chevy Night when he was on stage. I'm starting with the ChinaTV  video!

He begins saying that "they're" always respectful, well informed & loyal. Then he goes on to say that "they" always make him feel welcome & at home & he appreciates that, so I'm assuming he's speaking of his Chinese fans!

In the next part of the video, he talks about how TV has been good to him but he says he's attracted to doing a movie because it "only lasts two or three months of the year" and also that he's interested in stage play. That's basically it... short, simple! Now on to the talk show!

Talk show vids can be seen here - The vids are a little out of order but aren't so bad you can't follow!

(1) Wentworth blushes as Lu Yu tells him what an amazing baritone he is *squee*! This brought tears to my eyes b/c I LOVE his voice. Too bad he refused to sing :( He's so bashful while listening to his old Tigertones vocals! I loved it! He seems a bit like "OH GOD, not this AGAIN! Why won't people just let the singer in me DIE?!" Lu Yu has a nice voice as well lol! (more of this in part 5-2)

(2) You can hear the "oohs" & "ahhs" of the crowd as a clip from "The Human Stain" plays on the screen behind Wentworth.

(3) I have no idea what was said, but it looks like they were showing off a poster of Went with the Cruze - you know the poster!

(4) Wentworth arrives!

(5-1) Wentworth talks about Prison Break & says some of the same stuff he talked about regarding the show & it's popularity last time. He also mentions the similarity among his fans wherever he travels to. He says "it's like running into family"! Ahh, how sweet.

Lu Yu says she has to talk about his eyes & starts telling the story about how her friend was screaming & gasping for air when she told her that he would be on her show! She said that her friend told her that she couldn't be there but asked if she'd do one thing for her: look into his eyes! OMG I can't stare into his eyes on a photo let alone him in person! OMG he's so sweet - he just says "ahh thank you. You're gonna' make me blush" as Lu says she understand why her friend wanted her to do that! Oh she also told him how people were telling her how much they loved him!

Lu Yu asks her audience if they were too excited to sleep or even decide what to wear b/c of Wentworth and he says "I couldn't decide what to wear either!" I love this man! So she asks him if he's learned any other words/phrases besides "ni hao" (hello) since this is his 3rd trip to China. He says he's learned to say "wo ai ni" (I love you) & he raises his eyebrow when he says it with this huge grin *nearly unconscious here*

She asks him if he's had an opportunity to sight-see a little. He answers even though each time he's been to China, it's been for work, he always takes one day to sight-see/explore. He says that he's been to the Great Wall & he loved to go back b/c it's an extraordinary man-made monument that can be seen from space. He says he made it to the top & he was huffing & puffing as these "little old ladies" just "scooted" by him which was a little embarrassing LOL!

Lu Yu asked if he realized the number of Chinese fans he had & he said he'd heard there were about 135,000,000 fans watching PB online each week but for "a boy from Brooklyn, NY" he would have never believed that he would be traveling abroad, even going to China three times; he said he feels very fortunate. He was a little surprised that the show has a large female audience - umm, dur, Went, you're on the show... how can we NOT watch... besides the show is frickin' good! Lu Yu asks if he's a sensible driver. He says PB has made him a very responsible driver. He said he loves to drive! He goes on saying how driving to/from different locations gave him the opportunity to reflect, unwind, listen to tunes, snack... so LY interrupts & asks "what kind of snacks". He likes Dunkin' Donuts, basically anything with sugar. LY says she thought he might have been very health conscious but he says "not as much as you might think. I have a terrible sweet tooth." LOL! He's so cute! He sings along while the music is playing. (This part continues into the next video.)

(5-2) He, like a lot of us, believes music is very powerful - I know I believe that! It can be a "backdrop" for a previous experience & hearing that song can bring back memories! He says he doesn't know any Chinese songs yet but he has been exposed to some. Lu Yu talks about Went being an amazing Baritone. He won't sing so they put on one of his Tigertones songs, "The Blues in the Night" - if you haven't heard it, where have you been LOL but since I'm kind, here you go - watch it! Ok, so she tells him that he has a great voice & that she won't ask him to sing if he doesn't want to but does ask why he didn't choose singing as his career. His reply: "It's something I've thought about, purely as a fantasy, but, at the time, when I was singing more consistently back in college, I really didn't think I could make a living out of it. It seemed like an impossible dream, even crazier than acting, so it's something that I let go of after I graduated from college." He says mom nor dad can "carry a tune" so he has no idea where he gets the ability from.

Lu Yu asks if his dad is as good looking as he is. He says they do look very much alike but he also looks like his mom. People say he looks a lot like both of them, depending on who he's with! She's start talking about an interview with his dad from some years back where his dad says that Went isn't as handsome as he is, but he's very talented! Went says his dad is a "proud papa" ahhhhh! He says his dad is a fan of the show. He says it's great that he's on TV b/c his parents get to see him once a week even though they live far apart. He also mentions how he has to call his mom to let her know ahead of time that something bad will happen to Michael!

Lu Yu asks about his father being instrumental in his acting career, then he talks about the Kindergarten dinosaur play where his dad spent 3 weeks helping him make this fabulous elaborate T-Rex costume & how excited he was about the audience reception of him; it's an intimacy like no other & he wanted that - thus, the dream of his acting career was launched. He went on to talk about how both he & his father are artistic; they are both talented artists. He says that when his father was unsure of him becoming an actor, he told him that it was his fault he wanted to act, reminding him of the Kindergarten dinosaur play! Wentworth says that even after moving to LA to work in the industry, he was still unsure of whether or not this was for him, but he didn't want to go through life wondering, so he decided he wanted to do it. He said his parents wanted to support him but were very concerned about how he would make it.

(6) Went is talking about being rejected for a role. He begins talking about being able to "read the room" when going on an audition & how you won't know what's happened b/c actors don't talk to the director, producer, etc.; an actor's agent has to notify him of he decision & if rejected, you have the daunting task of trying to figure out why you didn't get the part. Sometimes it's b/c you're not good enough, sometimes it could be your height, eye color & that's something you can't change. He says there were times when this happened to him & he did get upset b/c auditioning for a role takes more than just studying the lines. He puts himself into the character, heart & soul, and imagines the movie, etc., so of course, if he doesn't get a role, he feels all of the time he's invested in it is just gone & there you are starting over from scratch
& it can be very difficult. He says when he got the role of Michael Scofield he was very excited b/c it'd been a long time since he'd worked & it was especially exciting to be going to Chicago & filming in a real prison. He thought there was something special about the first script and the right pieces were there to put together a very interesting puzzle that would compel people to tune in every week.

Next they cut to a clip of "The Human Stain".  Someone brings Went & Lu Yu a drink & you can hear him saying "thank you very much". He gets up from the sofa as the clip plays. His character, the young Coleman Silk, is giving boxing lessons to Jacinda Barrett's character, Steena Paulson. This video concludes just as Steena touches Coleman's chest!

(7) The video begins as Wentworth is talking about T-Bag being this horrible guy and one not to be sympathized with, but he says, because the writers are so clever & Robert Knepper is such a great actor, the audience fines themselves caring about him.

They go on talking about the tattoo. Went says when he saw the script & that the plans for the prison escape were hidden in this full body tattoo, he was amazed b/c it was unlike anything he'd ever seen. He felt it was eye catching! He said working on the show cured him of any desire of wanting one b/c it was an extremely long process that became a bit much to handle putting it on & off everyday. He said there were a couple of occasions where he had to wear it home & it's like wearing fly paper to bed; it would stick to the sheets - now there's a thought... stuck to Wentworth Miller's sheets =D Lu Yu tells him that it looks sexy & he modestly looks away, laughs & says "well thank you"!

She asks if he watches PB & he says he did at first but b/c it's a very dark show & b/c there are bad things happening to the characters, he had to distance himself. He also said he did this b/c he's such a workaholic that the show was starting to take over his life so he felt he needed a break. He says maybe in a few years (he hasn't seen it in quite sometime) he'll sit down with the DVD's one weekend & watch it!

(8-1) This clip emerges with a fan from the audience asking if he loves his Chinese fans. He says "of course! You're why I'm here today!" The the lady asks what his impression of his Chinese fans are. He mentions that when he meets someone that speaks a different language, yet they are still able to bond through PB, then his work has been able to find a place in that person's life/heart despite the differences then it means a lot. He says the cast/crew of PB were aware of the international audience & they all pushed themselves to continue to perform at the high standard they set b/c they cared enough to want to give more each week to the people who invested so much in watching the show.

Lu Yu explains that the young lady from the audience asked that question b/c she wanted to hear him say "I love you guys so much" & he did say that & also added "that's why I keep coming back"!

Another fan from the audience gets to ask a question. She begins with that same school girl *squee* so to speak. You can hear, in her voice, that's she's blushing as she grins & says "Hi Went"! Ahh! He replies "ni hao" - showing off the little Chinese that he's learned lol! She goes on to say that she feels like she's the luckiest girl in the world; her name is Amy. She tells him that she's speechless but has to talk - what's funny about that is, she says she wants to say a lot to him but she can barely put together a sentence & she wasn't even close to him LOL! Poor girl, I can imagine! & she goes on with her question which begins with her telling him that she knows his favorite quote is from Toni Morrison's Beloved: "Definitions belong to the definers and not the defined." She then asks if he has any definitions for himself, if he has any similarities w/Michael since most people refer to him as such and how he feels about being regarded as Michael (if he wants to "get rid of Michael). Also, she asks him to tell about his special experiences in his PB journey. Wentworth says that although Michael existed on paper first, he does share a lot of similarties w/him. He said that he put a lot of himself into the character so he does represent certain parts of him taken to an extreme. They both share a respect for preparation, order, research & discipline but Mikey's a little bit of a crazy, loose cannon! It would take an extraordinary man, one who is borderline genius & insane, to get himself thrown into prison to save a loved one & that is where they are different. He's been honored to play Michael Scofield & if this is the character he's most known for & if PB is the best thing that he ever does, then he'll consider it a privilege. Now he's been thinking that since he was Michael for so long & that the show is over, that people will associate him with the character. He is, however, confident that he has a lot more to offer and that there are other sides of himself that he hasn't shared yet that he wants to surprise us with in hopes that we find enjoyment in the other things he'll do ~ surprise me, honey! LOL

Ok next audience question: "What field would you like to try in the future?" Went says he'd like to try it all: actor, director, producer, writer, etc. He says he's fallen in love with storytelling & will eventually find himself telling stories in his own way other than just as an actor. He says he's not the sole reason Michael Scofield is so well loved; he owes Michael's successful to the 150 cast & crew members. It's a collaborative process & there are a lot of different facets of the business he'd like to explore. He's writing a couple of feature films with some friends where he'll play a bad guy, like Jack Nicholson in "The Shining" b/c he loves a good horror movie ~ looks like someone's been keeping up with what I ask for... good for you, Went! I'm happy you pay attention to what I say ;-)! He then says that after being the good guy, it'd be nice to be the one running around with the ax! He also talks about the bad guys of PB: Abruzzi, Kellerman, T-Bag, Bellick got to do some great stuff that he couldn't do b/c he had to remain the cool, calm & stoic good guy.

(8-2) This clips picks up where the last left off: He's looking forward to playing a twisted character!

The next girl in the audience was a little funny to me & probably made Wentworth feel a little awkward lol! I guess it's one thing to get a sappy love letter from a fan but to have certain things said to you in front of a live crowd has gotta be crazy! I should be one to talk; hell I blurted out "I love you" to him & he, being the sweetheart he is & I guess to keep me from feeling awkward, said, "I love you, too" LOL! Anyhoot, the girl starts saying how she's overwhelmed but wants to express her strong feelings for him. She then tells him that she hopes he takes care of himself, she hopes he stays healthy & has a bright future & she has always loved him & always will. Ahh, how sweet. His reply: "Thank you very much."

Next question comes from a guy who says something I couldn't really understand but I think he said something about Wentworth being his idol & his hopes for Went's career - I think. Anyway, Wentworth says he has a lot of favorite actors depending on the type movie, but one of his favorites "Dangerous Liasons" with John Malkovich, Glenn Close & Michelle Pfieffer (movie based in France in the late 1700's that premiered in 1988). He said Malkovich's character is despicable & the character to be hated but the audience was drawn to love him & sympathize with him. Went says that this type of character is what he calls a "shades of grey character". He's not black or white (speaking metaphorically as good or bad) but rather falls along the lines of how people truly are & how they truly behave and is why we can relate to him.

Lu Yu asks about whether or not he has someone special in his life but he laughs & declines to answer, saying he's made it a rule not to talk about things like that b/c it's important for an actor to maintain a little bit of mystery. She goes on to ask about what projects he's working on (the camera is focusing on Lu Yu - her watch, ring, clothes & shoes - which is all very pretty, but it's kinda' funny). He says he'd like to give details but he doesn't want to jinx it lol. He does, however, say that it's a sort of horror movie, a psychological thriller like "The Shining". He also says he'd love to do romantic comedy or comedy period b/c it's somewhat of an unknown, which can be scary. He talks about it being difficult to make people laugh & that can be a frightening move but, as an actor, if something scares you, you should move towards it, embracing it so to speak b/c there's always something to learn. She also tells him he should shoot a movie in China, not necessarily a Chinese movie, but one shot on location in China. He said he would love that; he's just waiting for the right invitation. He mentions be a fan of the Kill Bill movies, which were shot mostly in China.

Lu Yu asks if he believes he has Chinese in his blood. He says it would be nice but you can never tell! He says that he feels something in him responds very well to Chinese culture. He then talks about his how, inspired by his first visit to China in October, he decided he wanted to put the "foo dogs" on the front porch of his home! He said he's actually looking for the 6' lions but has no idea how to get them home!

(8-3) Ok so this last video begins with Wentworth talking about how he likes to have things at home that remind him of where he's been & the people he's met. Someone brings up a gift for Went that was made by some fans. It's a very nice scrapbook with photos of his three trips to China. Then someone brings up the poster from the Cruze ad that Went in turns gives to a fan in the audience. The fan tells Wentworth that she met him when he first came to China & says some other really nice things to him but I think the mic wasn't turned up loud enough b/c I couldn't make out everything she said! But after, saying thank you, he did reach for a hug from her & the audience "oohed" & "ahhed"! Wentworth was thanked by Lu Yu for being there, walked off stage toward the audience, shook a few hands & then it was over!

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