Monday, July 28, 2008

SoHo & SoLo Lingo 7/27

Here are two phrases that I've used while blogging today! I wouldn't tell you about something I wouldn't do or say myself! I try to be such a good example! Yeah, anyway LOL!

Up first is "poke fun" or "poking fun"! That just means you are clowning on someone or making jokes about that person for whatever reason! "Use it in a sentence", you say? Ok, here you go:

"I don't know why people "poke fun" at Wentworth's choice of clothes! I love his adorkable style! No one can pull of corduroys, a white t-shirt, a beanie, New Balance & aviators in the summer like my boo!" - OK so it was more than a sentence but you get my point LOL!

Up next is "garbly goop"! ROTFL! I had to laugh at myself because it's just funny as hell to use that phrase as an adult, but I'm a funny kid/adult/girl/person - anyway.......... Garbly goop means something, usually some literary material, is a jumbled mess and makes no sense. It can also be used to describe something or someone that is a hot mess or in total disarray (BTW - hot mess can definitely be used interchangeably with garbly goop, especially when describing someone's appearance LOL)!

"I don't know the heck he is trying to say in that comment she wrote, but it just looks like "garbly" goop to me!


She should not have put that outfit on; she looks a "hot mess"!

Phrases: by SoLo; Photo credit: By Mukumbura on Flickr

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