Thursday, February 11, 2010

Awww Wenty please dont be mad

Ok as promised, thank you Zie for this video, Went was not looking too happy to see paparazzi on his starbucks trip he had took earlier this week...


Zie said...

He was definitely not happy...he crossed the road half way and walked to his car did u see? Poor baby :(

SoHo said...

yeah I saw that.... hmmmm I wonder why he was so upset?

Sweet-n-Stuff said...

Gosh!! He looks amazing. That man is so incredibly beautiful. I know he hates to have to deal with that part of being a famous actor. That kind of life is a two-edged sword. He has to take the good with the bad. Unfortunately for him, the bad part of it can get very, very ugly in a matter of seconds.

But hey, wouldn't it be nice to be the one to comfort him when he has days like this?!! Sorry guys. I couldn't resist. Forgive me!!!

Hanan said...

He HATE that so much...but I LIKE it so much! LOL!

I'm sorry Wentworth but, seriously that's the only way we can get some GORGEOUS news & pictures of you!

Don't blame us for loving you so much.

Sweet-n-Stuff said...

Yeah, I know Hanan. We do love him to pieces. And lately, it is the only way we get to see him.

Wentworth feels that his personal time is his and that we(his fans)should respect that because outside of a scheduled contractural event or being on the screen, big or small, he owes us nothing. He's right and I agree. The good thing is, WE DO (again, his fans) respect that! But sadly the paps DON'T. They invade his personal space, sometimes ask him probing questions, and take pics without asking. His fans, always ask to take pics of/with him and only ask appropriate questions, I hope. That's why Wentworth seems to hate their company and greatly appreciates ours. I've never met him, but when I do, that's what I will do. Hopefully it will happen in the NEAR future.

SoHo said...

Sweet n stuff,

wow you sound like you have a wentcounter cooking in ur plans. LOL where do I sign up? LOL!!! alright young lady spill the beans Ha ha ha ha!!!

Sweet-n-Stuff said...

Yes, I do plan to meet him someday, God willing. I believe so. I'm working on something! :-)