It's been more than a month since "my" Michael died. I'm still in disbelief (yes even after all this time). I don't think I will be able to get past this until someone is punished. Who might that someone be? Conrad Murray! I'm sorry, I don't care that people say that Michael was addicted to painkillers, etc. but as a doctor, one should know better than to give in to someone's whim simply because they can afford to pay for what they want. As a doctor, your first priority should be to protect & preserve lives, not assist in the destruction!
Anyway, as DEA & other authorities try to figure this all out & while we wait on the tox screen, let's examine what we know so far. After that, you decide if Conrad Murray is guilty of a crime or not!
1. Murray was in financial straits & met Michael through one of Michael's bodyguards.
2. Murray gave Michael Diprivan (Propofol) the night before he died.
3. Around 9:20am two female associates of Murray (possibly employees) went to a storage facility where Murray kept items, removing about 6 boxes of items/documents/etc.
3. Murray usually went to the kitchen to get Michael something to eat/drink around 10 am DAILY - on the day he died, he didn't go down until after noon, yelling for help.
4. Murray didn't call 911, someone from Michael's security detail called.
5. Murray didn't call 911 because there was supposedly no dial tone and didn't call from his cell phone b/c he said he didn't remember the address where he'd be living for weeks.
6. Murray performed CPR on Michael on a bed which does not allow for adequate chest compressions while security called 911 more than 20 minutes after Michael was supposedly found.
7. When the paramedics arrived at Michael's home, Murray insisted on being the one to work on Michael.
8. Murray would not allow the paramedics to pronounce Michael at the house, rather insisting resuscitation attempts continue & they bring him to the hospital.
9. Upon arrival at the hospital, Murray didn't stick around, but took off without his car that was back at Michael's home.
10. Murray has not spoken publicly, except through his attorney.
11. Murray felt the need for a defense attorney.
12. Murray's attorney insisted that Murray gave Michael nothing that "should" have killed him - notice the careful wording: "should" rather that "could".
13. Murray has said that Michael hadn't paid him for the time he'd been there and has complained of being far behind on his mortgage and possibly losing his $1.65 million home.
14. There are reports (not sure if true or not) that Michael kept a very large sum of money in the house.
As you can see there are many inconsistencies here and very strange behavior on the part of Conrad Murray. I'm not claiming that he killed Michael on purpose but there is clear medical malpractice, negligence and plain ol' stupid going on here! My theory is he found Michael in a very bad state & rather than call 911 immediately, he tried to clean up as much evidence as possible, even going as far as calling the two female employees getting them to get rid of evidence there. If the story about Michael collapsing & Murray, Prince Michael, Jr. & a bodyguard carrying him to his room is true, then I still believe that Murray waited to call 911. I believe that had he called when whatever happened first occurred, Michael may have survived. The sheer fact that his attorney said Murray didn't give Michael anything that "should have killed him", rather than "could have killed him" let's me know that something went very wrong. Attorneys are careful with their words because one preposition or adverb can make the difference between a lie and the truth.
At any rate, we'll continue this as more evidence comes forward... hopefully we next learn the results of the toxicology report.