Friday, May 14, 2010

HI GUYS!!!!!!!!!!

OMG it's absolutely SOOOO GREAT to be back on my blog again!!!! I am having some personal problems that are keeping me from blogging but I am back on my blog. Ok so first thing is first. THANK YOU ZIE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR BLOGGING FOR ME DURING MY ABSENCE!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for coming out to L.A. from Miami and actually showing up at my restaurant!!! It was so much fun finally meeting one of my blog readers in person. I tell ya!! Thank you soooooooooooooooooo much!!! I really hope you had fun out here.

ok I will be updating my blog tomorrow because I am off and will be available and have access to my blog so Ill definitely see you all soon. Actually I think I'll start tonight... LOL

Zie you are welcome to continue posting as you want. Thank you so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Soho! Thank you! I was so happy we got to meet up! And I've been MIA again from the blog. Life has been crazy since returning from my mini-vacation. I saw a lot in LA, but still need to cover a few places and other cities in Cali--so I'll be back! ttyl-sobe