Monday, April 5, 2010

sorry for the delay!!!

Hi guys sorry for the delay on my Korean food post. I've been busy and havent had time to send myself all the pictures and actually sit down on my computer and post. I've been busy because of the Easter weekend and spring break so that means the restaurant is full. Anyway thank you Zie for checking in on me because she heard on the news about the earthquake that hit L.A. so she txt me to see if I was ok. Yes I am doing fine. I didnt even feel it because I was running around the restaurant up and down the stairs. all I was told was that the chandeliers at the restaurant dining area were shaking back and forth. I didnt know because I was in the kitchen moving around but Zie thank you again for ur concern. Ur sooooo sweet. Ummmmm let's see wut else... oh yeah and yes I was busy because of the Easter holiday Zie. LOL sorry i didnt reply to ur last txt so I am posting my answer here. LOL!! I hope you all had a wonderful easter if you celebrated it. What did those of you who do celebrate easter do? My friend invited me to her church so that's what I did after work. Then we went out for hot chocolate which was nice because it started raining out here. Ok I gotta get to bed now. it's past midnight. see you all tomorrow!!! have a great day!!/night!!

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