Thursday, October 28, 2010

I went to the price is right!!

On Tuesday, I went to the price is right but I wasnt chosen to go on stage. My friend Charlie went with me and we had a blast!! We are scheduled to go back november 8th so we have another chance to get on stage. Basically we've booked ourselves to plenty price is right shows so that we try our luck to go up on stage and win some prizes!!! LOL!! Drew Carey is hilarious!!! when the cameras are off he has A LOT to talk about and he's really funny. He's a great host too.You can see me in the audience november 24 on CBS. I am in the third row in the front center. LOL wearing a bright red shirt. LOL

1 comment:

Zie said...

sooo cool.... am gonna watch all the shows from nov 24th onwards...